Last week the Germans did something a little crazy... They gave Taylor a license to drive in their country! So we decided to be adventurous and go outside of Baumholder. Our location here is perfect with many towns so close to us. Trier is about 45 minutes from here so we thought that would be a great first mini-roadtrip.
When we first arrived here our (super helpful) sponsor set us up with phones. They were awesome for texting and calling but did not have GPS or anything fancy like that. Okay, fine, we were only going 45 minutes away and once upon a time back in the ancient days, we were without the magical navigation app. So Taylor printed off directions from google and off we went!
5 minutes into our trip we got lost. We had to backtrack almost all the way back to post until we finally got on the right road to Trier. Off we went again!
We finally arrived in Trier, located in the Mosel valley where the river widens and is possibly one of oldest cities in Germany, founded in or before 16 BCE. We parked and then wandered on the main street where there were a ton of people, shops, restaurants, street bands, markets, a wine bar, fruits and vegetables, bakeries and history! One of the first sights we saw was the Porta Nigra, or "black gate". At a hundred feet tall and one of the most famous ruins in Germany, it was built in the second century as part of four miles of walls. Trier was a major city in the late Roman Empire, even serving as a regional capital under several emperors.
We then ventured into the main square and got some lunch. Every restaurant we passed had tons of seating outside and since the sun was out we took advantage of the warmth and grabbed a spot.
After lunch we went to the Saint Peter's Cathedral Church, the oldest bishop's church in the country. Walking up to the church was breathtaking and walking inside was even more incredible.
There are still a few things we would like to see in Trier so I imagine we will be making another day trip there because, well, we can!
Easter snuck up on us so we didn't have anything planned. I had to do something for the holiday so I managed to make a semi-traditional meal for us. I made potato salad, baked mac and cheese and did up some steaks for us!
It is already the weekend again so we are planning on traveling the mere 20 minutes to Idar-Oberstein tomorrow. Many more pictures to come!